Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Stuff!!

Custom Chalk Boards!!
Antique, Rustic frame

Now doing Custom Jewelry!! rings are only $8.99!!

New 1.5inx1.5in Personalized Pendant!! only $9.99!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Finally, In Statesboro

I have finally moved my little business to Statesboro, GA!! I can now do things anytime I want instead of just on the weekend!! I am so excited about this!!! OK, so I CAN still ship things anywhere around the world, so don't worry!! I love my customers so much and I am so blessed to have you all in my life!! Don't forget that I am on facebook too!! look for Ansley's in the search bar!! also, I have a new business email address and it is: I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Help Me go to UGANDA!!

I just got back from Passion 2011 in Atlanta, GA. I feel like God is really calling me to go on a Mission Trip to Uganda this summer. As you know, I am in college and the money is tight, so I have come up with a way to make money for my trip. So from now on everything that is being sold from Ansley's Custom Creations will not be set at a certain price, it will be whatever you feel like God would want you to give to support me. I will be coming up with the Personalized Cake Plate Order form because that will be the main thing I will be making and selling (besides just vinyl cut letters) after I have sold all my inventory that is in the blank gifts album. Please continue to pray for me and that God will provide the funds I need!! Thanks or all the support the past couple months and future support!! God will surely bless you!!

Matthew 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 
Also when I got back I was tagged in this picture!! The Jones' had me make some canvases for Mill and Maddie for Christmas!! I enjoyed doing them so much!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vinyl Gifts!!!

Personalized Pencil Pouch!! Great Stocking Stuffer!! Only $5 with initials or name!! You choose color of pouch and vinyl!!

The one I did for myself!! I keep all my pencils, lead, and pens for my drafting class in this!! It is so great to have!!

Personalized multi-purpose plate. I use this to put jewelry on!! My mom uses hers to put cupcakes on!! You can use it for anything!! Its a GREAT wedding gift!! only $15 including the choice of vinyl color and matching ribbon.

cute glass base on the multi-purpose plate!!

personalized wine glass. This is another GREAT wedding gift!! one glass is $6 with vinyl included, a set of 4 matching glasses is $22. *may cost more if you add more letters on the other side.

Super Cute sports bottle!! I gave this as a gift to a little girl I know for her birthday!! This cost is $5 including vinyl!!

This would be such a cute gift filled with candy for a boy! $5 with vinyl included!!

Personalized Pencil Case! another great stocking stuffer!! $5 including vinyl!!

Cute Personalized Bucket!! Great to put little knickknacks in, use for trick-or-treating, Easter egg hunts, or even the beach!! $6 including initials or name!! Cute colors!!

Really cute personalized aluminum water bottle!! $10 with choice of vinyl color and matching ribbon!!

We do car decals too!! any size, and color!! we charge $1 for every inch tall it is!!

The decal I put on my car!!

Alpha Delta Pi tumbler I did for my little Gracie!! $3!!

Decal I put on my computer!! We can cut what you want and you can stick it wherever you want!!

BIG tea glass!! $6 for 1 and $22 for a matching set of four!!

Lap Desk I gave my Little!! Choose color of desk and vinyl!! $12!!

Personalized hand gel!! Can do big ones and small ones!! Big one $6 and small one $3

Car decals I did for my friends, Hannah and Mill!!

Decal I did for Leah's computer!!

Did this for Millicent's phone!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Custom Canvases

This is a canvase that I donated to the Children's Church Silent Auction. Ally Jo did a great job choosing her colors!!

I made this canvase for my sister- Brynne Holly Chappell

I made this for my Alpha Delta Pi little!! I had soo much fun making stuff for her!!

I love zebra print!! This cross has rhinestones around it!! So cute!!

Just a quick one I did to put at the church auction as a "default" canvase

My, My, My Little ADPI!!! I had so much fun making this one for my little, Gracie!!